One of the side-effects of taking a ‘break’ is managing finances and doing the mental adjustment needed to not expect the sure-fire salary transfer every month end! Its only been one 25th of the month since my quitting – but have to admit I DID think of the salary I wasn’t getting that day… :) Friends who’ve walked the similar path before me tell me that its been one of the toughest adjustment areas for most. And I would tend to agree – so far that is. Salary has a way of giving us internal-confidence of being in control of our lives. Am sure most people who’ve worked for a reasonable amount of time and with a reasonably decent salary – don’t NEED to check for the exact time / day when its been transferred every month. However the knowledge that it has moved – gives a warm and happy glow to everyone I know! It makes every effort you've put into your job day and night seem worth it. So when you decide to give up on that part of the control – its expectedly tough. My erstwhile salary...
In the depths of winter... I discovered in me incredible summers!