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Showing posts from 2010

True... absolutely true...

'A beautiful dress is of no use until it inspires someone to take it off!!' Vanity and women have a very very weird relationship. We seem to believe that its only OK for us to be vain, but not for any one else around us. We turn our snooty noses up in the air at any 'obvious' display of it, and yet applaud the same when it walks down a ramp wrapped in a beautiful package. From women in the villages who use the household fuel - charcoal to line their eyes; to women elsewhere in the world who believe gold flakes is also too little to bring the 'glow' to their faces -- aren't we all just simply VAIN??

My Way...

Sometimes life has its own way of getting the answers you seek to you through absolutely unexpected ways! A general catch-up session with a dear friend and sharing what's been happening in life turned into a moment of 'THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR!!!' The answer to the most often asked question - at least in my life for a while lately - 'should i go out and do what my heart says or should i accept this (whatever it may be at that point of time) as fate?' And this question has begun to haunt me in almost every sphere of life i can think of - professional or personal! So when i heard these words today - something... no actually Everything kind of fell into place. It IS ok to follow your heart - even though the path may be paved with a great deal of loneliness or even pain and disappointments - but life's just not worth it if you cant look back in your last moments and feel you've really done justice to LIVING!!! :) So dear friend - you know who you are...

Balancing acts...

Life seems to be full of these balancing acts, na? some of them larger than life and some so tiny that till u pay attention u wont even realise that you're really balancing between two different and mostly contrasting pulls on you. And for what its worth - the resolutions of these contrasting forces is pretty much the sum total of what we as people are all about!!! Some recent ones - - Boss' priority on a project vs what i think is priority on my own job list! (Resolution - start the boss' work and hopefully find someone to delegate it to - but keep focus and larger part of my time for my own priority!!) - Eating with a friend in office vs catching up on networking gossip with another colleague (Resolution - Keep lunch for friend (longer time spent...) but catch up with colleague over a smoke break - so what if i get exposed to some passive smoke!) - Play the dutiful daughter to mom or go out and have another fun night with friends (Resolution - Friday night for mom ... but...


Went to a health farm as a part of my end-year holidays... with my sis! 5 days of cleansing - mind, body and in not-so-small a manner - SOUL too!! Had gone admittedly with a closed mind - full of negatives and willing to pull out at the slightest sign of being 'boring' or 'tough'!! Thankfully - It was far from either... Spending time on just myself had become a rarity as i realised there. WHen was the last time i looked at just myself and thought abt what i'm eating, drinking or doing?? Took me almost 2 days of that regimen to get used to the fact that i did not HAVE to have my laptop with me... that it was fine for the phone to be off all day long... that no one was dying to know where i was... and the biggest one - That its OK for me not to CARE about anything else but chilling out and shutting off the world!!! ;-) Made new friends there... reminded me of the times when we didnt have so much technology at hand so easily which made us take friendships too casually ...