Sometimes life has its own way of getting the answers you seek to you through absolutely unexpected ways! A general catch-up session with a dear friend and sharing what's been happening in life turned into a moment of 'THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR!!!' The answer to the most often asked question - at least in my life for a while lately - 'should i go out and do what my heart says or should i accept this (whatever it may be at that point of time) as fate?' And this question has begun to haunt me in almost every sphere of life i can think of - professional or personal! So when i heard these words today - something... no actually Everything kind of fell into place. It IS ok to follow your heart - even though the path may be paved with a great deal of loneliness or even pain and disappointments - but life's just not worth it if you cant look back in your last moments and feel you've really done justice to LIVING!!! :) So dear friend - you know who you are...
In the depths of winter... I discovered in me incredible summers!