Over the last few months, have had several conversations with friends on the seemingly growing number of divorces around us. The married ones talk of it with a 'tut-tut' of disapproval and a maybe sometimes even a 'sigh' of wishful dreams of single-again lifestyles. The single ones talk of it much more matter-of-factly - maybe mostly as they cant afford to be judgemental about this subject. So got me into another long wondrous rant mentally on WHY - exactly WHY is being married so bloody important in our society? Actually its importance can be judged by the sheer effort that almost each and every individual puts towards finding it - NOTE - not in maintaining it, but finding it. From when you're born, almost everyone grows up with the notion of being 'special' to someone. Parents, grandparents, friends, siblings and then eventually your romantic interests in life - we all love the feeling of being 'special'. Had read this article recently which ...
In the depths of winter... I discovered in me incredible summers!