When I first heard this term – in all my naivety (yes it DOES apply to me at times!!) – I really thought it means its someone who’s a buddy and you also f@#$ them… seemed to make little sense to me at that time – simply because I thought that’s what I define as my perfect formula for a life partner!! Why coin a whole new term for something as basic as say a soul mate etc… Only later did I finally grow up to realize that there’s a whole new world out there in which terms like this make so much sense… and its not what I thought… Its someone who u f@#$ and can be sure to keep it a secret like a buddy!!! Or it’s a buddy - who when u’re down and out, you can ask for a f@#$ if you really need it!! Now why did this come to mind now… well simply becoz in a recent episode of ‘sex and the city’ – the girls are discussing this! And I was wondering about this kind of relationships – if they can be called that. Especially so in our culture here - where most people in my circle at least (or so i wud...
In the depths of winter... I discovered in me incredible summers!