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Showing posts from May, 2009

Pride kills you!

Was chatting with a friend and managed to surprise myself with my own articulation - "pride is a killer thing to have.. it'll keep u alive in the worst of scenarios - and stop u from actually living ur life in most others!" Aint this so true?? Innumerable times when i would have thought that life has gotten the better of me - have come bouncing right back at it... solely based on the fact that i cant let it beat me and my pride!! And countless have been those times when false notions of pride being hurt or even just merely threatened would have stopped me from making the 'first move'!! Moves which had i made at the right time - i would / could have maybe lived a life slightly better... Hmmm...

Can Love really follow Lust?

This was a topic of discussion a few days ago over a girlie lunch in office... strange location and timing i know! but then i love my office for its non-conformity to 'accepted practises'... :-) Predictably - when u have crossed the age of 32-33 and have been in enough relationships to know what they're about... such discussion topics can come up. Legitimately. Spontaneously. With complete relevance for the audience. so an all-engaging, entertaining and involved discussion followed. Of course - as is common - such discussions leave me with me even more random thoughts in my head than before the discussion. so i went hunting to where it needs to begin logically - the definitions of these terms... So here goes - this is how wikipedia defines Lust and Love.. Lust (or lechery) is an inordinate craving for coitus often to the point of assuming a self-indulgent, and sometimes violent character. As an abstract concept, love usually refers to a deep, ineffable feeling of tenderly...