Is it ok to miss yourself sometimes?
I miss you R…
I miss your innocence
The belief that the world was a happy place
That love was there all around
All we need to do is to reach out.
Just an honest open attempt
And life will reward you
If you worked long and hard
It will even speak up for you
I liked that about you
You knew how to move on
You knew that forgiving was the only way
Not forgetting necessarily - but definitely letting go
I liked how you gave it your all
When you set your mind to it
How you put the scared kid inside you to bed every night
With a promise that the next day would be better
The kid who cried in her pillow for years
Just because she felt lonely and unloved
You told her you were there to hold her hand
Whatever else life throws at her, you wouldn’t leave her alone
But now that child is overwhelmed
The loneliness is threatening to take it all
What can she do to keep it at bay
With the weight of responsibilities taking their toll
So while I think of ways to help her heal
Would you please be my side
Help me hold her, hug her close
And pray for strength for both of us…