There's so much that goes on behind the scenes in everyone's lives... recently came face-toface with this reality yet again in sessions which were meant to encourage people to see the 'person' behind their colleagues... One of the few sessions that i think gave something new to think about to me at least.
and what i got out of it was not that there's a story behind everyone - thats something i think i realized pretty much years ago... but what exactly do i do with the information that i have now about all these people!!!
how is it that one is supposed to be with people after knowing these facts?
does compassion start over-whelming the neutral attitude one has while dealing with colleagues?
the fact that such intimate details about self have been shared with others - whats the best course forward - forget that you ever heard it? or maybe sometime actually broach the topic again? i mean - how else is one supposed to build on the ties these sessions are meant to create?
do others even think about all these vague thoughts i have??
does it even matter???
and what i got out of it was not that there's a story behind everyone - thats something i think i realized pretty much years ago... but what exactly do i do with the information that i have now about all these people!!!
how is it that one is supposed to be with people after knowing these facts?
does compassion start over-whelming the neutral attitude one has while dealing with colleagues?
the fact that such intimate details about self have been shared with others - whats the best course forward - forget that you ever heard it? or maybe sometime actually broach the topic again? i mean - how else is one supposed to build on the ties these sessions are meant to create?
do others even think about all these vague thoughts i have??
does it even matter???